5 Days
Kel Suu Lake, Son Kol Lake


Price for 5 days for

  • 2 person: $1700 ($850 per person
  • 3 person: $1800 ($600 per person)
  •  4 person:$1971 ( $493 per person)

Most of the travelers ride a horse first time, so if you are not an experienced rider there isn’t reason to worry. Our horses are calm and easy to manage. Moreover, we have an equipments for safe horse riding.

WEAR- Comfortable athletic clothing, hiking boots, hat, jacket and sunscreen.


INCLUDED Accommodation during the tour
Permissions to Kel-Suu
All tickets
English speaking guide
All meals mention in this program
Flight tickets
Alcohol drinks

Additional services not mentioned in this itinerary




Bishkek city – Burana tower– Kyzart village

Arriving to Bishkek city. Meeting you at Manas International airport and transfer to Kyzart village. On the way visit the architectural complex Burana (10th-11th century, an important point on the Great Silk Road) 15 km from the main road. Lunch at café.

Accommodation and dinner at guesthouse.

4-hour drive

Meals Accommodation
– L  D Guesthouse

Kyzart village – Song-Kol Lake

After breakfast on horses, we are heading to Song-Kol lake via Tush-Ashuu pass (3400m). At the pass you already can see Song-Kol Lake. From the pass, Song-Kol is still distant, but as you traipse down the slopes, it gets larger and larger; the mountains on the other side get higher and higher, until finally the lake fills most of your field of view and the southern mountains tower above it. Yurt camp located on the shore of the Song-Kol Lake.

Dinner and accommodation at yurt.

4-hour horse riding

Meals Accommodation
B L D Yurt

Song-Kol Lake – Kok-Kyia valley

After breakfast transfer Kok-Kyia valley which is located near to Kel-Suu Lake. On the way brief stop at Song-Kol waterfall. Kel-Suu Lake located close to China border, on the way we will cross checking zone. Upon arrival lunch and rest.

Dinner and accommodation at yurt camp.

5-6-hour driving.

Meals Accommodation
B L D Guesthouse

Kok-Kyia – Kel-Suu – Naryn city

After breakfast, on horses heading to Kel-Suu Lake. Upon arrival enjoying amazing beauty of Kel-Suu Lake and on boat explore little more the lake. On horses back to yurt camp, lunch and transfer to Naryn city.

1 way, 1-hour horse riding.

Meals Accommodation
B L D Yurt

Naryn city – Bishkek city

After breakfast transfer to Bishkek city. Bishkek city tour, visiting; Osh bazar, Ala-Too square, National Museum, Philharmonic, etc. Transfer to airport.
Meals Accommodation
B – –

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