The Fairy Tale Canyon is located on the southern shore of Issyk-Kul Lake, 4 km from Tosor village. This is a true natural wonder. Water, wind, and sun have produced whimsical, fabulous shapes here. While some resemble mythical creatures (dragon ridge), the others look like other ordinary animals (camels, hippos, and elephants), while others portray amazing intricate structures such as castles, towers, and even China’s Great Wall. Due to particular nature of the soil, it is recommended to visit the canyon in dry weather.
The Konorchek сanyons are located on the eastern part of Kyrgyz Ala-Too range. These are magnificent monuments of nature, formed over several million years at the hands of natural forces such as the sun, wind, and waters. These huge clay lumps take on forms that resemble ancient castles, churches, modern buildings, and animals. The altitudes of some canyons reach 300 meters. An extinct volcano called Segizhan Shokny (approximately 2.5-3 million years old) is another attraction that compliments the canyons.